Manuscript Review

You would access this service if you have completed your manuscript and you’re unsure what you need to do next. I will read your manuscript and write a report advising on what works well, what might need improving, and signpost to what services you would need to access next to prepare your work for publication.


Proofreading your work to check for spelling and punctuation mistakes, fixing typos, and any minor formatting issues to ensure your work is accurate and consistent throughout. I will only review your work once.

Copyediting (+proofreading)

Copyediting your work to identify and fix any spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation errors, adjusting formatting inconsistencies, and checking whether the tone is consistent and appropriate for the piece. I will review your work twice; once to do the initial copyedit, then again to proofread the final document after you’ve responded to my suggestions. I typically use MS Word tracked changes for this.

Line Editing (+copyediting and proofreading)

Line editing your work to build on your writing, suggesting changes to the text line by line so that it builds on your work to enhance the story. This is in addition to copyediting. I will also provide feedback through annotations to tell you what’s working successfully. I will review your work twice, once to line edit and copyedit, and again to proofread after you’ve accepted or rejected my suggested changes.

Are there any services you don’t provide?

Ghost Writing

I do not provide ghost writing services. The most original content I create is in the line editing phase, where I provide suggestions of how you can rewrite phrases. I do not provide line editing service for student academic submissions (including creative submissions) because this work is supposed to be authentically yours and it is being marked on your abilities.

Fact Checking

I do not provide fact checking services for student academic submissions (including creative submissions) as this is a skill you must develop yourself as part of your course. If you are an independent author, please let me know if you would like fact checking included as I will price this at an additional charge.